
Monday, February 29, 2016

Karnak (Egypt)

Karnak Temples are one big museum and the largest religious structure in the world.
The complex is a tourist attraction number two in the most visited place in Egypt, number one, the Pyramids of Giza.
The great temples can be divided into four main buildings, where there are small shrines and many rows of sphinxes.
In which only one is accessible to the public, it is equal to the largest and the heart of the temple.
Visitors get so Karnak was the idea that only the area of ​​Amun-Re, while other gods were worshiped.
Karnak distinguishes itself from other temples because it was built so long by the name of pharaohs.
It was started in the Middle Kingdom, about 1600 BC. and 30 pharaohs participated in the project.
Many of the buildings features are not to be found in Egypt and so unique. But especially the size and number of buildings is overwhelming.

The five most beautiful wallpapers and pictures of Karnak in Egypt.

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