
Monday, August 23, 2021

The White Wieven of Otterlo

A Veluwe saga about the meeting place of the white women. 
As many people know, there are many unexplained phenomena in the Veluwe! 
From the ghost in the Solse hole to the ghosts that roam the Doorwerth Castle. 
But the most famous are the 'Witte Wieven'. 

In the Achterhoek stories are known about the white women from Lochem, Tubbergen and Beek in Montferland. 
But they were also found in large numbers on the Veluwe. 
There are stories from Ermelo, Putten and of course Ede! 
These have also been described in an edition of the Suske en Wiske series. 

Most White Women were evil, dragging curious men to remote places where they often met a painful death. 
But a few were benign! 
What is hardly known is that once a year these White Women had a big meeting where they told each other their experiences about victims and scaremongering! 
And where could that be better than in the Juniper forest just east of Otterlo! Sneaking along with shreds of fog, the White Wieven found their way into this sinister forest, along the way a lost drunk was sometimes picked up and taken to their unique meeting place. 
These men were never found again! 

5 photos.

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