
Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Blue jay

The blue jay (Cyanocitta cristata) is a passerine bird in the family Corvidae, native to North America. 
It is resident through most of eastern and central United States, although western populations may be migratory. 
Resident populations are also found in Newfoundland, Canada, while breeding populations can be found in southern Canada. 
It breeds in both deciduous and coniferous forests, and is common near and in residential areas. 
It is predominantly blue with a white chest and underparts, and a blue crest. 
It has a black, U-shaped collar around its neck and a black border behind the crest. 
Sexes are similar in size and plumage, and plumage does not vary throughout the year. 

The five most beautiful wallpapers and pictures of the Blue Jay.

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Historic Centre of Brugge (Brugge - Belgium)

Brugge is an outstanding example of a medieval historic settlement, which has maintained its historic fabric as this has evolved over the centuries, and where original Gothic constructions form part of the town's identity. 
As one of the commercial and cultural capitals of Europe, Brugge developed cultural links to different parts of the world. 
It is closely associated with the school of Flemish Primitive painting.

The five most beautiful wallpapers and pictures of Bruges in Belgium.

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Wachau Cultural Landscape (Austria)

The Wachau is a stretch of the Danube Valley between Melk and Krems, a landscape of high visual quality. 
It preserves in an intact and visible form many traces - in terms of architecture, (monasteries, castles, ruins), urban design, (towns and villages), and agricultural use, principally for the cultivation of vines - of its evolution since prehistoric times.

The five most beautiful wallpapers and pictures of Wachau in Austria.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Gondwana Rainforests of Australia (Australia)

This site, comprising several protected areas, is situated predominantly along the Great Escarpment on Australia’s east coast. 
The outstanding geological features displayed around shield volcanic craters and the high number of rare and threatened rainforest species are of international significance for science and conservation.

The five most beautiful wallpapers and pictures of the Gondwana rainforest in Australia.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Jesuit Block and Estancias of Córdoba (Córdoba - Argentina)

The Jesuit Block in Córdoba, heart of the former Jesuit Province of Paraguay, contains the core buildings of the Jesuit system: the university, the church and residence of the Society of Jesus, and the college. 
Along with the five estancias, or farming estates, they contain religious and secular buildings, which illustrate the unique religious, social, and economic experiment carried out in the world for a period of over 150 years in the 17th and 18th centuries.

The five most beautiful wallpapers and pictures of the Jesuit block and estancias in Cordoba.

Monday, November 21, 2016

My Son Sanctuary (Vietnam)

Between the 4th and 13th centuries a unique culture which owed its spiritual origins to Indian Hinduism developed on the coast of contemporary Viet Nam. 
This is graphically illustrated by the remains of a series of impressive tower-temples located in a dramatic site that was the religious and political capital of the Champa Kingdom for most of its existence.

The five most beautiful wallpapers and pictures of My Son in Vietnam.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Everglades National Park (Florida - United States)

This site at the southern tip of Florida has been called 'a river of grass flowing imperceptibly from the hinterland into the sea'. 
The exceptional variety of its water habitats has made it a sanctuary for a large number of birds and reptiles, as well as for threatened species such as the manatee.

The five most beautiful wallpapers and pictures of the Everglades in the United States.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Hattusha: the Hittite Capital (Hattusha - Turkey)

The archaeological site of Hattusha, former capital of the Hittite Empire, is notable for its urban organization, the types of construction that have been preserved (temples, royal residences, fortifications), the rich ornamentation of the Lions' Gate and the Royal Gate, and the ensemble of rock art at Yazilikaya. 
The city enjoyed considerable influence in Anatolia and northern Syria in the 2nd millennium B.C.

The five most beautiful wallpapers and pictures of Hattusha in Turkey.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Old City of Berne (Switzerland)

Founded in the 12th century on a hill site surrounded by the Aare River, Berne developed over the centuries in line with a an exceptionally coherent planning concept. 
The buildings in the Old City, dating from a variety of periods, include 15th-century arcades and 16th-century fountains. 
Most of the medieval town was restored in the 18th century but it has retained its original character.

The five most beautiful wallpapers and pictures of Bern in Switzerland.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Works of Antoni Gaudí (Barcelona - Spain)

Seven properties built by the architect Antoni Gaudí (1852–1926) in or near Barcelona testify to Gaudí’s exceptional creative contribution to the development of architecture and building technology in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. 
These monuments represent an eclectic, as well as a very personal, style which was given free reign in the design of gardens, sculpture and all decorative arts, as well as architecture. 
The seven buildings are: Parque Güell; Palacio Güell; Casa Mila; Casa Vicens; Gaudí’s work on the Nativity façade and Crypt of La Sagrada Familia; Casa Batlló; Crypt in Colonia Güell.

The five most beautiful wallpapers and pictures of the works of Antoni Gaudí.