
Sunday, October 30, 2022

Jesuit Block and Estancias of Córdoba - Argentina

The Jesuit Block in Córdoba, heart of the former Jesuit Province of Paraguay, contains the core buildings of the Jesuit system: the university, the church and residence of the Society of Jesus, and the college. Along with the five estancias, or farming estates, they contain religious and secular buildings, which illustrate the unique religious, social, and economic experiment carried out in the world for a period of over 150 years in the 17th and 18th centuries. 

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The Tibet Autonomous Region is an autonomous region in the People's Republic of China. 
The Autonomous Region borders Bhutan, Nepal, India, Myanmar and the rest of the People's Republic of China. 

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Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Isole Eolie (Aeolian Islands) - Italy

The Aeolian Islands provide an outstanding record of volcanic island-building and destruction, and ongoing volcanic phenomena. 
Studied since at least the 18th century, the islands have provided the science of vulcanology with examples of two types of eruption (Vulcanian and Strombolian) and thus have featured prominently in the education of geologists for more than 200 years. 
The site continues to enrich the field of vulcanology. 

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Araucanía is one of the sixteen regions of Chile and has the Roman number IX as its region number. 
The capital of the region is Temuco. 
The Araucanía region has 957,224 inhabitants and is located in the center of the country. 

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Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Island of Saint-Louis - Senegal

Founded as a French colonial settlement in the 17th century, Saint-Louis was urbanised in the mid-19th century. 
It was the capital of Senegal from 1872 to 1957 and played an important cultural and economic role in the whole of West Africa. 
The location of the town on an island at the mouth of the Senegal River, its regular town plan, the system of quays, and the characteristic colonial architecture give Saint-Louis its distinctive appearance and identity. 

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Castle de Haar

Kasteel de Haar is a monumental castle in the Utrecht village of Haarzuilens. 
It is the largest castle in the Netherlands. 
It was built from 1892 on the ruins of the old castle in neo-Gothic style. 

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Monday, October 17, 2022

Ischigualasto and Talampaya - Argentina

These two contiguous parks, extending over 275,300 ha in the desert region on the western border of the Sierra Pampeanas of central Argentina, contain the most complete continental fossil record known from the Triassic Period (245-208 million years ago). 
Six geological formations in the parks contain fossils of a wide range of ancestors of mammals, dinosaurs and plants revealing the evolution of vertebrates and the nature of palaeo-environments in the Triassic Period. 

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Nunavut is Canada's largest, northernmost, and youngest territory. 
It was officially split from the Northwest Territories on April 1, 1999, through the Nunavut Act and the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement Act, although the boundaries were already signed in 1993. 

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Saturday, October 15, 2022

Imperial Tombs of the Ming and Qing Dynasties - China

It represents the addition of three Imperial Tombs of the Qing Dynasty in Liaoning to the Ming tombs inscribed in 2000 and 2003. The Three Imperial Tombs of the Qing Dynasty in Liaoning Province include the Yongling Tomb, the Fuling Tomb, and the Zhaoling Tomb, all built in the 17th century. Constructed for the founding emperors of the Qing Dynasty and their ancestors, the tombs follow the precepts of traditional Chinese geomancy and fengshui theory. They feature rich decoration of stone statues and carvings and tiles with dragon motifs, illustrating the development of the funerary architecture of the Qing Dynasty. The three tomb complexes, and their numerous edifices, combine traditions inherited from previous dynasties and new features of Manchu civilization. 

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Takev (Takeo Province)

Takev is a province in southern Cambodia, the capital is Takev with a population of 39,186. 
The province borders Kampot to the west with Kampong Spoe to the northwest and Kandal province to the north and east. 
To the south, Takev borders Vietnam. 

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